Keep Families Together
The biggest part of a successful rescue is making sure the family who is adopting is set up for success and receives helpful resources to ensure they can care for their new family member.
The Ozzie Albies Foundation wants to help keep families and their fur babies together. Our pay it forward fund, generously funded by our donors, offers financial assistance to qualified applicants to help with non-routine medical expenses. We want to help families avoid economic euthanasia or shelter surrender due to lack of resources.

Pets are family
There are so many people who feel they have no choice but to give up their pet because they need medical attention that they couldn't afford. People who are retired, have lost their jobs, are facing life’s challenges – and just need a little help to protect the special bond they share with their pet. The Ozzie Albies Foundation is ready to help you in your time of need.

How it works
The Ozzie Albies Foundation aims to assist families in need by advocating for them and generating funds to assist with financial difficulties. Our fund differs from other assistance programs because we provide assistance even if your pet already received care. We understand that emergencies are time sensitive, and we applaud families who go to great lengths to ensure that their pets receive life saving treatments. We understand that emergency veterinary care can be incredibly costly, putting families in a bad financial situation and making it impossible to continue medical treatment due to the already piled up expenses.
Steps to apply for the Pay it Forward Fund:
STEP 1: Complete our online "request for assistance" survey.
STEP 2: If you pre-qualify for the Pay it forward fund, you will be sent the online application which requires documentation to be sent and submitted for review. A follow up email will be sent when application is received within 48 hours.
STEP 3: If you are approved, we will contact you to discuss the additional information required to put together your campaign. It is important that you can provide all necessary documents for us in a timely manner. Our goal is to the create a successful campaign for your pet, and receive the necessary donations to reach our goal.
STEP 4: Once the campaign is closed, we will gather all donations made to your campaign and pay the necessary bills on our behalf to ensure the funds go to directly to the cause we advocated for.
We help tell your story
Our goal is to tell your story across our social platforms, and to help you continue to care for your pet. We put our name behind your cause.
Rather than see these pets become homeless and add to the millions of pets entering the shelter system each year, we choose instead to focus on preserving existing relationships.

The world is a pretty neat place and that it’s up to us, human beings, to make it ever better. Random acts of kindness don’t cost much but make everyone’s life better.
